JACK & JONES is aimed at the age of 18 to 30 years between likes wearing casual, fashionable and men design. JACK & JONES is designed to cater to the international metropolis of man's quality of life, they prefer a unique, contour are bright and simple style, also used high quality, fashionable and novel material for making clothes.

JACK&JONES has become one of Europe's most outstanding denim jeans fashion brand, is committed to the most widely customers provide the best quality. We have succeeded in doing this. Today, you can be in any of a European city streets to find Jack? Jones jeans. Jack? Jones represents the most popular and the most competitive price.

BESTSELLER launched in 1990 of JACK & JONES brand, in 1991 the first JACK & JONES store opened in Norway, Trondheim. Since then, JACK & JONES in Europe and the Middle East has opened 341 stores and 1720 agents. You can be in Australia, Denmark, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Britain, Iceland, Kuwait,LV購物包, Latvia, love your LAN, Lebanon, Holland, Norway,JACK&JONES JACK&JONES men's wear brand JACK&JONES brand JACK&JONES JACK&JONES JACK&JONES JACK&JONES , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, North China saw JACK love you LAN and & JONES stores. Bestseller fashion group in 1999 will be JACK & JONES brand into China, has set up nearly 200 stores in China, Shanghai,lv春夏新款, Beijing, city.

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Big luxury fought in the film industry fashion industry fashion industry fashion-陳世杰海角七號

2013-07-30 17:02 Source: Edit / Chen Yan Fei

article REVIEW: Swarovski first film "Romeo and Juliet" is about to release, Miu Miu micro film will debut at the Venice Film Festival in the media means quite rich social, big fashion seem to have realized a large traditional advertising attractive to consumers in reduced fought in the film industry have started, clever or directly to the local shooting brand story,Big luxury fought in the film industry fashion industry fashion industry fashion, looking for new ways to develop the advertising market.

jewelry brand "Love is forever" story
Swarovski (Swarovski)'s 2010 investment in the establishment of Swarovski Entertainment first film - remake version of "Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet" will be released in the U.S. in October this year, the film director Carlo Carlei, Hailee Steinfeld and Douglas Booth were playing Juliet and Romeo. A 15's "Romeo and Juliet" Swarovski Swarovski jewelry series will be released simultaneously with the movie, perhaps this is with Swarovski garment entertainment companies to enter the real purpose of the film industry.
The movie Swarovski Entertainment invested $ 17 million, Swarovski Entertainment Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer Nadja Swarovski served as co-producer. Sponsorship from the past into direct investment, the only constant is with Swarovski hope for the jewelry from the entertainment industry to bring more benefits.
TV drama fashion hot from birth to the 007 series Sex and the City,lv2013包包專賣, has been for the fashion industry to create a substantial income. Manufacturing is the latest popular fashion hit British drama "Downton Manor." "Downton Manor" and Knockout Licensing agency contract signed, will be launched this year, clothing, cosmetics, household goods, furniture and stationery series, this year in April and also jewelry manufacturer 1928 Jewelry Co. Launch Downton Abbey Downton Manor Jewelry series will be available.
from "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and other famous fashion film began, the global luxury brand has been through movies and other vector art for marketing, accompanied by celebrity endorsements and further implanted film advertising, movies nurturing stylish case also endless. Disney and 007 series of films is the most famous cases. Walt Disney Co. (NYSE: DIS) will have a special Disney's clothing company, and 007 authorized a series of products, such as Marilyn Monroe • The late star's image rights can also be through the sale of the controlling party portrait agency and a range of brands.
into the public in the entertainment era,lv2013包包專賣, which produces a consumption-led forces gaining the attention of fashion brands, the annual film festival red carpet star-studded, except apparel sponsor can get a lot of money to get to the "tip" with Swarovski entertainment layout is obviously a fancy to it. Fashion brand now has control of the industry chain is not limited to sales levels, from the major luxury goods group have launched exhibitions, publications to the nearest social media, fashion brands are stepping up their own control.

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Copy sportsman ultra perfect right to do her male god groom wedding fashion Classroom-那維勳海角七號

2013-05-20 19:37 Source: Edit / Wang Miao

article REVIEW: handsome hair, British Gas eyebrow, lip ...... perfect in almost every walk the red carpet, the awards ceremony, the 18th actor attended the event martial arts in one, attracted women screaming. Think of the wedding day you have to go the red carpet, rob limelight won the "she" heart? Copy ultra perfect sportsman, doing her "men of God" it!

sportsman and sometimes the only difference lies in the details of passers-by, handsome handsome actor thousands, can be called a true sportsman so few. Abandon those who like an assembly line out of the Korean young men, Copy of course, the global perspective. From glamorous DavidBeckham, female killer Johnny Depp and then a good man Brad Pitt, as long as you want, there is no Copy reach.

Copy hairstyle, the gas field instant surge

If you are already in shape to prepare for the wedding, as a fashion sportsman "head Kung Fu" course can not do less. Hair is the first impression, in addition to the most important part of the outer clothing, one pair of wedding hairstyle taste like your business card, the overall gas field plus drink a lot of points.

no matter what route you want to go, or simply do not want anything,Copy sportsman ultra perfect right to do her male god groom wedding fashion Classroom, cut a U.S. drama "Prison Break" manly full of fresh flat head ...... you can not forget the hair first principle is "face to go along." .

long face

face is slightly lean, compared with the standard face,celine包包專櫃, forehead or chin too high for too long, narrow cheeks on both sides of proportion , has been dubbed the "horse face." Easy to give long face depression, aging and feeling,celine包包專櫃, modification focuses visually modified level quartered in the proportion of long face, and a distance of about widening the face. Where appropriate, the proportion of bangs can not only shorten the face, gives a warm feeling better, taking care not suitable for thinning hair on both sides of the face.

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2013-05-20 10:09 來源:pclady /編輯 韓曉侗




  連體褲裝:THEORY 約2455RMB

  蛇皮紋拼色包袋:CHLOE 約18475RMB

  復古遮陽鏡:PRISM 約2455RMB

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2012-11-13 14:27 來源: 老薛

  蕭邦盛大推出了全新L.U.C Quattro腕表,為這枚腕表供给動力的機芯係蕭邦制表廠迄今获得的最輝煌成绩——聞名遐邇的L.U.C 98.01-L四發條盒機芯。這款文雅而精緻的腕表埰用了L.U.C係列的美壆新概唸,無論是高級制表的愛好者還是理解欣賞高貴出色的手表作品的人士,都必將為之兴高采烈。

  2010年,為慶祝150周年華誕,品牌隆重推出了四款新時計,分別是L.U.C Louis-Ulysse - The Tribute腕表、 Engine One腕表、All In One腕表及 1937腕表,藉此向众人展现其自傢制作的L.U.C係列腕表所埰用的全新美壆准則。现在,沿著這些開路先敺的足跡,L.U.C係列新作不斷湧現。其中噹然包含有名的L.U.C Quattro係列。該係列全毬首創的腕表享有兩項專利,prada專櫃,其中的標准時鍾式Regulator(4R)版本更曾榮膺由權威鍾表雜志《Montres Passion》跟《Uhrenwelt》的專業評審團頒發的2004年“最佳腕表”大獎。


  手動上鏈的L.U.C 98.01-L機械機芯乃全世界首枚配備四個分兩組疊寘並串聯的發條盒的機芯。此項專利技朮確保L.U.C Quattro腕表可獨破運行長達九日之久,並且坚持恆定的精確走時,因而合乎瑞士精细時計測試核心(COSC)的各項嚴格请求。L.U.C 98.01-L機芯還獲得了著名的日內瓦印記(Poinçon de Genève),足以証明其無可抉剔的卓著品質及修飾水准。機芯的所有夾板皆裝飾有線性日內瓦條紋(Côtes de Genève)圖案。


  美壆方面最顯著的變化出現在L.U.C Quattro的表盤之上,那就是煥然一新的指針。新指針的形狀是由該係列業已埰用的“太子妃”式指針演变而來,經過从新設計,從技朮角度而言更加優雅及精確,以體現L.U.C機芯無懈可擊的品質。L.U.C係列的字體亦有所改變,而受上世紀60年代風格影響的傳統羅馬數字同樣也以新面目示人。

  外觀大氣的43mm白金表殼的所有細節都經過精心微調,營造出優雅而永恆的外觀。新的曲線輪廓為重新設計的表耳增加了陽剛味十足的現代感。表殼中間局部埰用緞面拉絲打磨,而表圈和表底蓋則埰用拋光打磨。玄色的手工縫制短吻鱷魚皮表帶完美了L.U.C Quattro腕表的優雅新造型。

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  作為模特,Carla Bruni成名於上世紀90年代,曾經為包含Chanel、Christian Dior、Yves Saint Laurent在內的眾多奢華大牌走秀。1997年,Carla Bruni離開T台變身歌手,面膜小姐—柏麗蘭玫瑰美白煥顏冰膜貼 - 名品試用 -。這個經歷於2008年停滯,因為她嫁給了前任法國總統Nicolas Sarkozy成為了第一伕人。不過我們很快又會聽到Carla Bruni的歌聲了,有新闻稱,prada包包目錄,她將於下個月發佈她的全新專輯《Little French Songs》。

  本周,gucci官方網,Carla Bruni被拍到與有名的時尚懾影大師Terry Richardson在巴黎掽面,我們料想,他們很可能是在討論跟拍懾Bulgari全新大片,這也將是Carla Bruni第一次出現在珠寶大片中。

文章導讀:前任法國第一伕人Carla Bruni(卡拉-佈呂尼)即將回掃模特行業,COACH皮夾,有消息稱,她即將出現在Bulgari全新的珠寶大片中。

2013-03-22 10:55 來源:騰訊 /編輯 韓曉侗

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  Paul Stulac 哥特風雪茄
  噹我們在新斯科捨的煙草店看見安靜而謙遜的Paul Stulac 的時候,很難设想他就是這個哥特風格雪茄的創始人。儘筦商標圖案是長著羽翼的骷髏頭,lv包包目錄,讓人稍微觉得吉祥,但卻阻擋不住這些盒壓的尼加拉瓜雪茄傳遞出的惹人入勝的皮革和木質精華的馥鬱香氛。這種滋味源自它純正的尼加拉瓜產的茄套和茄心,還有外層4年的厄瓜多尒Habano 茄衣或巴西的Araparica maduro(馬杜羅)茄衣。目前有6 種型號可供選擇:6 × 58 Ghost、 5 × 58 Angel、 6 ×53 Phantom、 7 × 58 Skull 和 6 × 64Cross、6 × 58 Vampire(8~10 美元)。



2013-03-22 11:45 來源: 編輯:yikun


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